Tube and Coupler scaffolds

The tube and coupler scaffolding, offered by EGB, is a construction system used to create temporary structures in the field of building construction It relies on the use of interconnected metal tubes through couplers to create elevated and stable platforms.

Tube and Coupler scaffolds

The tube and coupler scaffolds manufactured by EGB are structures obtained by connecting tubes using couplers, giving them a variable and modular geometry to achieve any extension and height. This flexibility allows connectivity of components in all directions and angles across the three spatial dimensions, providing remarkable adaptability to adjust to any facade or construction. The ability to adapt makes these scaffolds ideal for simplifying or even enabling interventions that would otherwise be difficult or impossible.

Thanks to this adaptability, these scaffolds offer great flexibility of use, allowing them to be applied in various fields such as construction, renovation, reinforcement of hazardous buildings, stiffening, restoration, and even in critical situations surpassing the application limits of any other traditional structure or technique.

  • Tube material: Steel S235JR.
  • Tube protection: Immersion painting in black or hot-dip galvanization in accordance with UNI EN ISO 1461 regulations.
  • Diamètre extérieur du tube : 48,3 mm.
  • Épaisseur nominale du tube : 2,50 mm et 3,00 mm.
  • Tube length: From 40 to 600 cm.
  • Coupler made in accordance with UNI-EN74 regulations.

Composants Tube and Coupler scaffolds

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